Program overview

Find here the program overview of keynote and oral presentations (version v.02, 2021-09-20): IWA MEWE 2021 Program overview_v07.pdf

The overview of poster presentations is available HERE. Posters are regrouped under 5 main Poster sessions.

Click HERE to reach the online schedule of virtual sessions.

The conference program is oriented along one single stream of 9 regular sessions of platform presentations and 7 poster sessions within the 3 thematic days

Each platform session will benefit from 1 keynote lecture (max. 30 min) and 5 oral presentation highlights (max. 10 min each) followed by a break-out session of 30 min with the audience. All platform presenters will upload a pre-recorded version of their presesentation (as mandatory safety backup) and will have the opportunity to choose to either present live or to let play the pre-recorded version. If digital technical issues occur, the pre-recorded version will be launched.

Each poster will be displayed and accompanied with a max. 2-3 min pre-recorded poster talk during all poster sessions. The morning/afternoon/evening poster sessions enable presenters and delegates to join and interact at their time zone convenience. This should allow for a maximum of flexibility within the virtual setting.

No pre/post-conference workshops are scheduled. The 9 regular sessions are acting as interaction ground between delegates.

Full interaction between delegates along all poster and platform sessions is fostered and requested. This is key for a successful interaction and exchange across the conference. Thank you very much in advance!


Day opening
Morning poster session
Session 1: Microbial Ecology and the Water Sector
Afternoon poster session
Official speeches
Session 2: Microbial Resource Management for Water and Waste Engineering
Session 3: Microbial Processes in the Water Chain
Evening poster session
Day summary


Day opening
Morning poster session
Session 4: Functional Ecology and Metabolic Insights
Afternoon poster session
Special presentation: Delft Historical Perspective
Session 5: Theoretical Ecology and Engineering Theory
Session 6: Systems Microbiology Integration
Evening poster session
Day summary


Day opening
Morning poster session
Session 7: Xenobiotics, Xenogenetics, Horizontal Gene Transfer and Antibiotic Resistance
Awards session
Official speeches
Session 8: Water Quality, Health Engineering and Education
Session 9: Water-based Epidemiology and Risk Assessment
Day summary

The poster sessions are regrouped along 5 main thematics across the 3 days:

Microbial Ecology and Water Practice
Microbial Processes in Water Systems and Engineering
Managing Microbial Communities
Systems Microbiology Approaches
Epidemiology and Risk Assessment

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