Call for Nominations - Awards

Call for Nominations is open until 15 July 2021

The IWA Specialist Group on Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering (MEWE) is now calling for nominations for the Ardern-Lockett Award 2021 and IWA MEWE Early Career Researcher Award 2021.

Ardern-Lockett Award 2021

The Ardern-Lockett award recognises outstanding contributions to research and practice in the field of Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering. The activated sludge process was invented in 1913-1914 by Mr. Edward Ardern, chemist at the Manchester-Davyhulme wastewater treatment plant, and his co-worker, Mr. William Lockett. Ardern and Lockett understood for the first time the active role of the suspension formed during the aeration of wastewater, known now as activated sludge. They introduced a recycle of this suspension formed during the aeration period. 

The award is named after Ardern and Lockett in recognition of the MEWE Specialist Group's strong link to the activated sludge processes, and investigations into the microbial populations dynamics of these systems.

Previous Awardees

Hiroshima, Japan
Lutgarde Raskin
University of Michigan
2016Copenhagen, Denmark
Willy Verstraete
Ghent University
2013Ann Arbor, USA
Valter Tandoi
Italian National Research Council
Water Research Institute
2009Aalborg, Denmark
Jiri Wanner
University of Chemistry and Technology Prague
2005Brisbane, Australia
Linda Blackall
University of Queensland
2001Rome, Italy
Dick Eikelboom
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research
The Netherlands
David Jenkins
University of California Berkeley

IWA MEWE Early Career Researcher Award 2021

The IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conferences honour the achievements of early career researchers through the IWA MEWE Early Career Award. The award, sponsored by Hazen and Sawyer, recognizes early-career IWA members who are making promising contributions to the Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering community through research and service. 

The early career researcher must be pre-tenure (or equivalent) and within 10 years of completion of PhD (not including career gaps due to individual circumstances). 

Previous Awardees

Hiroshima, Japan
David Weissbrodt
Delft University of Technology
The Netherlands

Materials required for each award (self-nominations are allowed)

  1. Name and contact information of nominee
  2. Nomination letter
  3. Detailed curriculum vitae
  4. Two letters of recommendation


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