Presentation Guidelines


Video Recording and Live Presentation Guidelines

The parallel sessions of MEWE2021 will be a combination of live and pre-recorded presentations. All speakers/presenting authors are expected to present live and participate actively during their session. Nevertheless, all presenting authors (except session proposers and speakers for special sessions) are required to pre-record their presentations and upload the same on their platform. These pre-recorded videos will be available in advance to all registered attendees for the entire duration of the Congress. Similarly, pre-recorded videos may be used in case speakers are unable to present live due to critical time zone issues. All (live) parallel sessions will be recorded for archiving and will remain accessible to all registered attendees.


  • 08 October 2021: Deadline for the pre-recorded video and presentation file submission for authors scheduled to present in one of the parallel sessions
  • The official language of the Congress is English.
  • Timezone: the times displayed below are in Central European Time (UTC+1). When you click on an event, the event page will automatically convert the time to your local time. 
  • Zoom links will be available 5 minutes prior to each session.

Submission Requirements

Presenting authors should submit a package which includes: 1) the pre-recorded video file (in .mp4) and 2) the presentation file (in .ppt or .pdf in 16:9 slide format). The video presentations should be sent with the following specifications:

  • Time: Your presentation should NOT be any longer than 8 minutes. The shorter the presentation, the more time for interactions!
  • File size: 100MB max
  • Video file format: .mp4
  • Dimensions: minimum height 480 pixels, aspect ratio: 16:9
  • Resolution: 720p HD max
  • File name: Submission ID of the contribution, Track number, and the full name of the presenting author (i.e., ISO123_T1_FirstnameLastname)

Recording should include a presentation of prepared slides with audio. It is highly recommended to include a picture-in-picture (PIP) video window visibly showing the presenting author. For papers and case studies with multiple authors we recommend having only one author on the recording. Please be sure to include in the video presentation the title of the paper, the track number, and the name of the authors.

The files need to be uploaded using the account on Congress website you submitted an abstract with on or before the indicated deadline above. 
The step-by-step instructions to upload the files are available here. If you miss the deadline, we cannot guarantee that your video file will be available on your session. 

Recording Tips and Guidelines

There are several video conferencing tools available to easily record a presentation.  You may show your face via webcam (if you prefer) and display your slides as you talk. You can use any meeting software as long as you get a good quality recording, and your final file is in the MP4 format. Here are some links to instructions on recording a meeting on common platforms:

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